
educational area中文是什么意思

  • 文教区



  • 例句与用法
  • Governing universities according to the law is the requirement of governing a nation according to the law in the educational area
  • In the educational area , there are conflicts among the authorities , private schools and parents in terms of financial supports for the private schools
  • From 1912 cai yuanpei ' s " introducted " dewey into chinese educational area first time , chinese educational " dewey research " has already experienced successively for more than 90 years up to now
  • Teachers ' forum is one of the prime strategies held by jinghu educational bureau ( jeb ) in developing jinghu to be a leading educational area in wuhu
  • With strong and elegant octagon housing , innovative manually self - lock device , the screen can be adjusted to any location . simple operation and long life , the screen is widely used in educational area and offices
  • To accelerate the progress of the rule of law in higher learning institution administration is not only the basis of improving rule of law in the whole society , but also a practical necessity for these institutions in carrying out the rule of law in education as well as in dealing with the increasing administrative litigation in the educational area
  • With the development of marketing economy system and rapid urbanization in china , architectural types in use has some problems both in educational area and practical area , problem is mainly in the fact that we place too much importance in the differences between these types , but ignore the common features between them . the result is that there are tough difficulties in the process of buildings " reuse and renovation when one type changes into another , thus this have negative effect on buildings " effective use and environmental protection
  • 推荐英语阅读
educational area的中文翻译,educational area是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译educational area,educational area的中文意思,educational area的中文educational area in Chineseeducational area的中文educational area怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
